MATH 6370 p-adic Hodge Theory (Spring 2025)

Daniel Gulotta,
Location and time
TR 2-3:20 in WEB 2470
Homework exercises will be listed below. These are optional for PhD students.


We will cover chapters 1-9 of [BC] and chapters 1-8 of [FO] (these two references cover roughly the same material), chapters 2-13 of [SW], and some additional topics. Depending on interest, these may include [Sch], [BS], [BL].

Notes will be posted here after each class.

Main references

Other references

Here is a link to a course on p-adic Hodge theory that I taught in 2020.

If you are looking for exercises, there are some in [BC] and in these two references:

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic References
1/7 Introduction
1/9 Infinite Galois theory [Mil] 3, 7
1/14 Elliptic curves [Sil] 3
1/16 Formal groups [Sil] 4
1/21 Elliptic curves [Sil] 3
1/23 Elliptic curves, p-adic fields [Sil] 3, [Bos] A
1/28 Elliptic curves over p-adic fields, Newton polygons [Sil] 7, [Bos] A
1/30 φ-modules [BC] 3, [FO] 3.2
2/4 φ-modules and (φ,Γ)-modules, perfectoid fields [BC] 3, [FO] 3.2, 5.3, [Ber] III, [K2] 2.3, [W] 2.0
2/6 Perfectoid fields [W] 2.0-2.2, [K2] 1.1-1.4
2/11 Perfectoid fields, group cohomology [K2] 1.5, [Bos] A, [Ser] VII, [R] 1
2/13 Group cohomology [Ser] VII, X, [R] 1, [FO] 1.5, [Bel] 2.1
2/18 Ax-Sen-Tate theorem [T] 3
2/20 BdR [BC] 4.4, 6, [FO] 6.2
2/25 BdR and differentials [C]
2/27 BdR and differentials [C]
3/4 Sheaf and de Rham cohomology [Sta] 00UZ, 0FK4, 03N1, [K1] 1
3/6 Sites, étale and pro'etale cohomology [Sta] 01FQ, 03N1, 0965
3/18 Hodge-Tate decomposition for abelian varieties, Huber rings [F], [SW] 2
3/20 Huber rings [SW] 2
3/25 Adic spaces [SW] 3-4
3/27 Adic spaces [SW] 4, [Bos] 2, [H] 1.3, 1.6


  1. Week of 1/7
  2. Week of 1/14
  3. Week of 1/21
  4. Week of 1/28
  5. Week of 2/4
  6. Week of 2/11
  7. Week of 2/18
  8. Week of 2/25
  9. Week of 3/4
  10. Week of 3/18
  11. Week of 3/25